
How To Utilize Technology To Streamline Driver Recruitment

Automate Your Recruiting Process

As a trucking company, your business can benefit from automating some of the tedious tasks associated with recruiting like Tenstreet. Automation can save you time and money by allowing you to focus on the more critical aspects of your business.

For example, you can integrate driver application forms into your document management and imaging system to help streamline the application process for drivers. Similarly, you can use tools like Tenstreet’s Intelliapp to store applications in one place where recruiters and fleet managers can easily access them.

Another way that you can utilize technology to streamline your driver recruitment is by automating communications with applicants. This can be done through email, phone, and text messages.

A communication process that reaches out to applicants at each stage of the hiring funnel is a great way to stay engaged with candidates, and it helps you create a better candidate experience. For example, when a driver fills out an application, they may receive a personalized email requesting that they complete a form or upload their CDL.

Additionally, automated messaging can be used to re-engage with passive candidates who have applied but need to move through the hiring process. This allows you to re-engage with them, build a relationship, and get them to use it again.

Create a Unique Candidate Experience

Creating a positive candidate experience can enormously impact your employer brand. Not only do negative experiences damage your candidate’s perception of your company, but they also can negatively influence their decision to stay with your organization.

The most effective way to create a good candidate experience is to understand what your candidates want from the hiring process. Whether you’re trying to find a new driver or someone to fill a current driver role, it’s essential to understand what they value most.

For drivers, the most valuable thing they can get is a safe and reliable job with a stable company. That’s why it’s crucial to make sure your recruitment marketing materials reflect what truck drivers need from their job.

To do this, your recruitment marketing material should include videos, pictures and real-life employee stories relevant to the role. These types of content will help entice drivers to apply for a position with your company.

Additionally, a candidate’s application experience should be mobile-friendly so that candidates can quickly complete their applications on the go. If the application is challenging to navigate or takes longer than it should, it’s unlikely that you will attract qualified applicants.

A streamlined recruiting and hiring process will also allow you to quickly identify which drivers are the best fit for your fleet. This will give you a better chance of getting more drivers on the road faster, which is your goal for 2022.

Use Social Media to Your Advantage

Social media is invaluable for truck driver recruitment in today’s crowded marketplace. Self-reported statistics from companies who use social recruiting indicate that they typically attract 50 percent more applicants than other methods.

To get the most out of social media, you need to be intentional in your approach. This means establishing a brand that appeals to your target audience, creating content that resonates with drivers, and ensuring you are active and consistent in promoting your company on these platforms.

Moreover, you must ensure that your posts are relevant and engaging for potential candidates. Test different photos and messages to determine which ones are most popular with your target audience.

The best way to do this is to make a content calendar and post regularly. This will allow you to keep your posts fresh and exciting for drivers and answer their top questions.

Another critical factor is to have a social media manager dedicated to managing your company’s Facebook, Instagram and YouTube accounts. Most drivers use these sites for daily communication, so if you have someone responsible for maintaining these pages, your company will look more attractive to new applicants.

Finally, it’s also important to spotlight your drivers and clients on these platforms to show them how much you appreciate them. This will not only help them feel valued, but it will also give your company a positive reputation among potential drivers and customers.

Create a Personal Touch

When it comes to driver recruitment, a personal touch is vital. It helps candidates feel they are being taken care of and that your company is a place where they can be themselves.

The personal touch can significantly affect how prospects and drivers interact with your company, whether at a trade show or a one-on-one meeting. It’s a simple yet essential part of the recruiting process.

The human touch encourages loyalty and creates a stronger connection with your customers. It’s essential when attempting to sell high-value products or services.

This can be accomplished by establishing trust in your company’s ability to deliver on your promises. If a customer can trust you to honor your commitments, they’ll also ascribe the same level of trust to your company.

If you have many high-value clients, send them a personalized gift on special occasions or periodically invite them to your office for dinner. This shows your client that you value their business and are committed to keeping it healthy.

While a personal touch can be challenging to implement in an industry where technology is dominant, it’s crucial for attracting and maintaining a high level of customer satisfaction. When competitors rely only on digital communication and advertising, a personal touch can differentiate between winning and losing.