
Complications of placenta


Ever wondered how your unborn baby gets the nutrients and oxygen? The answer is through the placenta. The developing fetus gets the nutrient supply, oxygen supply and antibodies transfer through an organ called the placenta. It develops in the first few weeks of your pregnancy and attaches to the wall of the uterus to meet the demands of your developing little one. With the baby, it is attached through the umbilical cord and brings back the waste material of the baby to dispose of it. If you are pregnant, you must visit the best gynecologist in Karachi to avoid any complications and emergencies. 

Under normal circumstances, the placenta is attached at the top, side, front or back of the uterus. If it attaches in the wrong position, a problem can arise. In this article, we are going to discuss the complications of the placenta. 

Placental abruption 

Placental abruption is a condition in which placenta detaches from the wall of the uterus, either partially or completely, due to which, nutrient and oxygen supply to the baby limits or stops. This condition can affect the growth of the baby, hence increasing the chances of premature delivery and stillbirth. 

Placental abruption often represents heavy vaginal bleeding, abdominal cramps and frequent uterine contractions. It can be caused due to uncontrolled high blood pressure, smoking or injury to the abdominal area. If your due date is near, your baby will be born soon usually through a caesarean section. However, if you are weeks away from the due date, you will be kept under supervision for some time. 

Placenta previa 

Placenta previa is also known as the low lying placenta. It is a condition in which the placenta attaches lower down the uterus and may cover the cervix- the outlet of the uterus, either partially or completely. Usually, it occurs during the early months of pregnancy and resolves as the uterus grows day by day. 

Placenta previa often causes heavy vaginal bleeding. The doctor would decide the treatment according to the amount of vaginal bleeding, the stage of your pregnancy and the position of your placenta. If placenta previa persists till your delivery date, the doctors will not deliver the baby vaginally. Instead, they would do that through a caesarean section. 

Placenta accreta 

Under normal circumstances, the placenta detaches from the uterus at the time of delivery. But in placenta accreta, the placenta is so deeply embedded and attached with a uterus that it does not detach itself. This condition causes heavy blood loss during delivery and makes the delivery of placenta so problematic. In some cases, the placenta invades the muscles of the uterus. Therefore, the healthcare provider may ask for a C-section, along with the removal of the uterus.  

Retained placenta 

Under normal circumstances, your placenta is delivered vaginally within thirty minutes of the childbirth. If the placenta does not come out within that time, this condition is called the retained placenta. It can occur if the placenta is trapped behind a closed cervix or if it is so deeply attached to the uterine wall.

 Retained placenta, if left untreated can result in severe sepsis and life-threatening infection. It is important to clean up the uterus properly after the delivery of the baby. 


The placenta is a vital organ during your whole journey of pregnancy. It serves as a connection between you and your baby. During pregnancy, you must visit the top gynecologist in Islamabad for follow up visits. In this way, you can monitor the development of your baby and the status of your pregnancy as well.